Sharing God’s goodness to transform our world

Pastor Ronnie and Tabatha Sweeney

Not your Typical
Sunday morning

“Come As You Are” Casual Atmosphere, Coffee Bar & Snacks, Energetic Youth Program Contemporary Music, Relevant Messages!

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LED BY: Pastor Ronnie Sweeney




When the Going Gets Tough Are you dealing with feelings of isolation and disconnectedness? Are you having feelings of loneliness? Are you battling anxiety and fear? I know I have dealt with all of these emotions over the last few weeks. When I’m having these very feelings and need God,…

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You Are Never Alone I want to talk to you about a real piece of history. To talk about a God who loves us so much that He sent His Son, a piece of Himself, to Earth, so that we could see how and who God is. To show us…

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What We Believe

There’s a God. Only one God, and He is the Creator of everything. We’re made in His image, which means we’re like him in many ways, except that He’s God and we’re not. He’s loving and just and desires a relationship with us. As individuals, we have the freedom to respond to the relationship God’s initiated with us, or not.

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Jesus Cleanses the Temple

12 And Jesus entered the temple and drove out all who sold and bought in the temple, and he overturned the tables of the money-changers and the seats of those who sold pigeons. 13 He said to them, “It is written, ‘My house shall be called a house of prayer,’ but you make it a den of robbers.”
Matthew 21:12-13, English Standard Version (ESV)

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About Us

On August 27th, 2016 nine people responded to a call from God – a call to create a life giving church in Louisa, KY. On that day, The Table was formed in the hearts of those nine people and on June 11th, 2017 The Table was formally launched in downtown Louisa!

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Why is it called The Table?

We chose the name The Table after several months of prayer and consideration. God kept bringing up relationships, friendships, togetherness, and family atmosphere. We also know that God wants us to receive from Him, then go out and share the Good News with others…

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