By: Amy Chandler
Through meditating on the word of God, not only has my Christian walk changed, but so has my life. I know, I know. You might think that I am exaggerating. But I’m not. When I started attending church at The Table almost two years ago, I had little understanding of the Bible, and of what it meant to be a Christian. I had not been to church consistently in many years, and my entire concept of God was twisted. That was until I learned about meditation, and started practicing it daily.
The Bible speaks of “meditation” a total of 23 times, 19 times in the book of Psalms alone. So, it must be pretty important, right? Joshua 1:8 says, “This book of the law shall not depart out of thy mouth; but thou shalt meditate therein day and night, that thou mayest observe to do according to all that is written therein: for then thou shalt make thy way prosperous, and then thou shalt have good success.”
In the book of Psalms, it says “2 but whose delight is in the law of the LORD, and who meditates on his law day and night. 3 That person is like a tree planted by streams of water, which yields its fruit in season and whose leaf does not wither— whatever they do prospers.”
Both of those scriptures tell us to meditate on scripture, and that our reward will be success, and happiness. That is something that I had chased for many years, and in all of the wrong places. Let’s be honest. Success, and happiness is what we all strive for. I can tell you from personal experience that both cannot be present simultaneously without God involved. If you are wondering what I mean by “meditation”, it is actually quite simple. It is the act of concentrating, and thinking deeply on God’s truth. It can also be defined as, “rehearsing God’s word in our minds. And changing what we think about it.” I used to think that the Bible didn’t apply to me, but boy was I wrong.
Here is where I tell you how my life has changed through meditation. I have gained a deeper understanding of the word of God. I have learned what it is to have faith, and I have gained stability in different aspects of my life. Since putting God in the center of everything, my relationships have improved, my marriage has been restored, and I have plans for the future. I no longer live in fear for tomorrow, because I know that God is already there. My mental health has improved. Changes that I needed to make within myself were revealed to me while meditating on God’s word. My perception of life has changed, and I am able to see myself as He sees me. For the first time in a while, I am genuinely happy. And it’s all because of Him.
Are you wondering how you can meditate on scripture? It doesn’t have to be a difficult process. Find you a quiet place where you can concentrate. Pray, and ask God to reveal to you what it is that He wants you to see. Read, and absorb what the Word says. Allow your mind to be filled with it. This will build your faith, and give you a better understanding of how you can apply His teachings to your life. Pray for God to give you the wisdom to align yourself with His will for your life. I promise, it works!
If you don’t already, I hope that this will encourage you to try meditating on His word. I pray that you will allow Him to transform your life. He loves you so much!