Sharing God’s goodness to transform our world

You Are Never Alone

I want to talk to you about a real piece of history. To talk about a God who loves us so much that He sent His Son, a piece of Himself, to Earth, so that we could see how and who God is. To show us how to live and to show us how to love.

Where do we turn when things are tough? Do you draw from fear or draw near?

Some turn to other people, some to finances, some turn to substances, and those are guaranteed to let you down. Turn to God, He won’t let you down. He can help you take your trials and turn them into opportunities. Your pain into purpose. He can change you through your challenges

I want you for a moment to think back with me for just a minute about your lowest point in your life. I want you to go back and think about when life was the scariest for you and your family. Reflect back on when it was the toughest it has ever been for you. Every person reading this, think back with me. 

For some of you, you are thinking back years ago. For me, I am thinking back six years ago. To a very rough time in my life. Close to divorce. Financial ruin. Broken relationships. Complete and utter disaster. Some of you are thinking back to years or months ago. Some of you are thinking back to weeks ago. Some of you are thinking about this very single moment of your life right now. What God has been asking me to do is think about the scariest, toughest, hardest time in my life and he is asking me these questions. How did you make it through? What kept you going?

Here’s what God is saying to you today:

“Have you ever wondered how you didn’t quit and how you made it through. It was me. Have you ever wondered why you kept going? It was me. Have you ever looked back when it was at its worst, did you ever wonder where I was or why I was forsaking you. Please remember that even Jesus asked for this cup to pass. He felt like I had forsaken him, but I was right there all the time.”

He suffered with us-

Mark 15:34 New Living Translation (NLT) – Then at three o’clock Jesus called out with a loud voice, “My God, my God, why have you abandoned me?”

Jesus felt abandoned too. It is a normal feeling to experience that in this thing we call life. But the major point to note is that He rose and so can you today!

You are not here by accident. There are no coincidences. You were created on purpose for a purpose. Created for connection, for relationships and to live a full and abundant life. Rise up!

Pastor Matt